Thursday, December 31, 2009

Apophis might hit us ...

Apophis is an asterid with nearly 270 meter diameter flying around us with a 1in 37 chance to hi the earth in 2029. What do you think you should do. NASA says chance to hit the earth is so slim and getting even slimmer. The Russian space Agency is thing of a space rocket to knock it off course, just like Hollywood's "Deep Impact" . Read more by clicking the title

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fastest Train

China has announced a claim of hosting teh fastest train network, top speed of 395 km/ and average of 355 km/h, while japan's average is 243 km/h and France's is 277 km/h. Spain is a country know of holding a record but teh news do not state theirs. Click the title for full tstory

Monday, December 14, 2009

Faces ....

Look at the picture and try to locate the faces, how many do you see? normally, you can locate up 9 in seconds. If you find up to 11 then you are doing good and if you can find the 13 faces, then you have a good sense of seeing (some claim that seeing 11 means smart and 13 genious ... dont know what this has to do with that)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

AI: the worthless past

The AI has been going wrong for long; it's to correct the path. The software models have offered little over more than 40 years, and its time to consider a real solution; a hardware one . Click the title for details

Friday, December 4, 2009

Software Research

Software is lagging and it takes a hardware firm to trigger it; Intel manycore products (up to 100 so far; breaking the TFLOPS performance barrier of a single chip) will push the software makers and the academia to explore ways of making use of huge number of cores on a chip and figure out new applications.

Click the title for more details